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Browse Some Of Our Best Online Courses

Lawyer Internet Marketing

3 Rainmaker Digital Marketer

Course 3 – Digital Marketing Master Class

Combine the first two courses, and you are halfway through! Course 3 is where the heavy lifting comes in. We will challenge you with new concepts and new ways of thinking.

On completing course 3, I guarantee you. You will be putting in the effort reserved only for the top marketers in your area and specialty.

In course three, we get far more aggressive. We learn how to discover who our online competition is, and we’ll dissect their online competition strategies to learn how to beat them. Oddly, those that you might consider your competition in the “real world” are often not your competition online. Those at the top of search get most of the traffic. That’s a hard fact. Those that are on top of search are your competition.

We will walk through everything from strategizing to beat your competition by working smarter, not spending more. In addition, we will be building systems to hold you accountable.

This final course is not for the thin-skinned. You will take a hard look at your current effort, and we will undoubtedly expose gaps, inconsistent branding, and likely a total blank when it comes to personal branding for you and those in your firm.

I recall my days hiking; it was always the end of the trail that was the most work. You’re tired; the terrain gets rough, the hike has exposed weakness, both in character and physically. We are coming to the end of this journey. In the end, you will discover that you have reached the first basecamp. The basecamp from which you will climb to even higher summits and drive your firm further ahead.

This course may test your endurance, but stop for a minute and imagine your life, practice, and lifestyle once you reach the first basecamp. I assure you, the changes will leave you breathless, on your way to


We'll be moving past getting the foundation built, to more advanced and aggressive marketing tactics and strategies.

Once you are this far along, you should already be seeing significant changes to the flow of prospects to your firm. As we move into the more advanced techniques you are moving well ahead of the "average" attorney working with the "typical" agency.

Imagine the power of personal branding for every attorney in the office, pointing back to your website driving traffic, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

You will be learning how to "out-market" and "out-think" your competition, instead of "outspend" them! Imagine a zero-waste Social Media campaign where you reach your prospects where they are, with no squandered time creating meaningless posts to audiences that aren't listening.

We take a look at automation so that response to your new prospects is never delayed, we look at compliance both to keep you out of trouble, and to improve your search ranking.

These advanced law office marketing tactics will clearly move you past the "let's try this" hit and miss stage, into running a well-oiled marketing engine, catapulting your firm far ahead of the vast majority of your competition.

Not ALL the competition?? In some cases, where you have poor competition and aren't intensely competed against, you'll be king of the hill. If you are in an intense competition environment, like Miami, Atlanta, New York, then you will be solidly in the top 20%, and ready for more from your coaches at

Digital Marketing Essentials Law Offices

2. Digital Marketing Strategy Essentials –Monthly

Digital Marketing Essentials contains all the entire Fab4 Cours, along with new entries that are far more "hands-on". Lesson 6 alone is a huge game-changer. Did you know that Google provides a complete best practices guide, written in easy to understand language (no geek speak) on what they expect in order for your site to rank well? Imagine all the people trying to sell you "hocus pocus" SEO when you have the definitive guide from Google in your hands! This course continues the tradition of being practical (hands-onds), being strategic (putting the pieces together so that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts), and motivational (would a swift kick help get you started?).

Online Marketing For Attorneys

1. FAB 4 Digital Marketing Fundamentals

Run your business like a pro and gain profits and customers.

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