Imagine your practice, and your life,
With a consistent flow of new clients on autopilot!
Tired of empty or shallow promises?
This is a series that you, or a marketing admin can deploy to take your firm into the top 20% of attorney marketers in your specialty and demographics.
Action Takers Bonus Expires in 30 days
Are you living the life you expected when you chose to become a lawyer?
Or are you frustrated waiting for new clients to call, and paying too much marketing for too large a promise from digital agencies?”
No one in law school ever prepared you for the reality that you would have to market to get clients. We get it. If you were a marketer at heart, you wouldn’t have become an attorney.
The incredible frustration of so many “robocalls” selling you dubious get rich quick single tactic online strategies, that you don’t even answer your phone for unknown numbers any more.
The outright anger at an email inbox stuffed with spam promoting the ONE THING that will take you to riches.
The discouragement of spending thousands of dollars with agencies, that deliver nothing but empty promises?
Seriously, do those marketers have any idea what its like to have incredible skills, and no clients?
We understand that frustration. We’ve worked with established and start up firms, probably some similar to yours, for over 25 years. We are also bombed daily with a barage of get rich quick marketing in a box systems… Systems that those schiesters want us to sell to you. We don’t answer the phone, or even review our own email anymore, due to the instense volume of spam. We are travelling the same road, together.
Here’s the truth. There are no “secrets”. Capturing new clients from places like the internet involves work, and discipline.
The good news is that the work is not that hard. If you’re struggling financially, it can even be done DIY with quality training and coaching.
If the firm is doing well, but stuck in terms of growth, even better. You’ll need a marketing admin, or workshare with an underutilized admin in house. With good guidance, you can win in the online marketing game.
If the firm is “rocking” and growing by leaps and bounds, wonderful, its time to bring in a full time marketing person, just be sure that they have a plan of attack, to create an online presence that will have your prospects “Know, Like & Trust” you before they ever call.
The real problem is not the difficulty of marketing, although there are real occasional technology challenges, the real problem is that wether it is you, or a team, there needs to be a plan.
There needs to be a plan and a system that once built runs almost on autopilot. There needs to be a plan and a system that doesn’t just consist of a “nice looking website”, but that has a thought out system of meeting your prospective clients where ever they might be looking for your legal services, and that creates a consistent flow of clients.
The goal should never be “a nice website”. That’s like someone wanting a house saying they want a really nice hammer. The goal, is consistently bringing new clients into your firm. Not a hammer, a home.
Forget “Get Rich Quick”, that mostly works only for the people selling the program. I know, those people that are calling you, bought into the programs that we get pressureed into selling people just like you all the time.
Here’s a more rational approach.
Combine 2 tried and true strategies.
- Crawl Walk Run
- Embrace the 80/20 rule
Crawl, Walk, Run.
I don’t konw you, and I don’t know where you are in your journey, but I’m pretty sure, you are not satisfied with what you are doing. You would not be here if you were. If your digital marketing assets are scattered and incsonsitently invested in, but, you do have an online presence, and most of the pieces of the puzzle.. then you are past the crawl stage. It’s time to focus on Walking. At Walk, you are actually ahead of 80% of your competitors! The truth is, your competitors are in the same boat as you are.
Embrace the 80/20 Rule.
The one thing I have learned louder than anything else in the 25+ years that we’ve been helping attorneys like you, it’s that momentum matters. You don’t wake up and say “I’ve got momentum, and am going on a 150 Mile Bike Race” (I actually made that mistake once, but proudly, I finished!). You start getting the basics right.
Here’s how the 80/20 rule works.
80% of the business (no matter what business you are in) goes to the 20% of the providers.
If you have 1,000 attorneys in your town, you probably have 200 that are on the top of the stack.
If you have 200 attorneys in your building, there are probably 40 that get most of the business.
Once you get past “CRAWL” and are doing the basics consistently, you are graduated to that top 20 %.
Then, you set your sites on “WALK” where you aren’t doing just the basics, but you are starting to get some targeted marketing underway, and you have systems to work with inbound leads. That’s when you are shooting to be in the top 20%, of the top 20%. It is surprisingly not that difficult. It’s about discipline, and a solid rational plan, and good coaching and training.
Before we move to “run”… stop for a moment.
What would your life look like, if you were one of the top 20%, and getting your “fair share” of 80% of the business in your specialty?
Would you be able to hire great talent from admin to paralegal to more attorneys?
Would you no longer need to be tied to your desk and your phone till 10:00 or later every night?
Would you be spending time with family?
Would you be following your passions? (Mine is sailing, and we are taking delivery of a sailboat soon!)
Would you sleep better.. travel more… be able to finally create an exit plan?
Be The 20
The simple truth is that getting more business than you can handle from online marketing is every bit as possible as it once was, but it is also far more difficult than it used to be. The number of websites that you compete for attention with is 1.2 Billion, as of January 2021. To expect the average law firm to have the knowledge, and the resources, to learn how to compete is simply not rational, you need help. The good news is that 80% of law firms are consuming at best incomplete, at worst just plain bad advise. This means that earning a seat at the table, with the top 20% of online marketers, within the legal practice space, is relatively formulaic, it’s just not that hard, unless you are in a fiercely competitive market. What law firms need is A System, A RoadMap, and A Coach.
Special offer! Enroll now in the FAB 4, and get a 35% discount on our more advanced bundles !
Here’s why you need this class, and it has nothing to do with you actually creating the online assets!
In my mind, it is crazy to think that an attorney should be mucking about trying to outperform 80% of the competition. Most attorneys, and of course there are exceptions, are totally illequiped to compete. They lack the training, the software tools, the vision, in short, this is not what you do.
Our Goal with these classes is to provide you the roadmap, that you can give to your marketing team, wether an outside agency, or an internal marketing person. The roadmap will jump start your efforts to cut through the “junk” that is being marketed to you daily, and help you to focus on what matters first.
LIke all businesses, there are some HORRIBLE people mascarading as an agency. Once you get involved with our process, you will quickly come to see that it’s not all about the website, but it is all about getting your clients to know, like and trust you, befor they ever meet you. This course will arm you with the knowledge to konw wether the agency you are talking to understands more than just putting a brochure online in a website, and wether that angency will drive you to the top 20% of all providers of your service.
Over a billion websites globally:
Over a thousand attorneys with websites in your area; Over a hundred that compete directly with you.
At least 80% of those competitors do NOT understand how to lay the foundations for a successful digital marketing campaign, or their agencies do not understand. It is amazingly straight forward when it comes to the first big step, leapfrogging over 80% of the competition. Get the foundation right, and you will leapfrog over 80% of your competition.
While we love things like Google Ads, the truth of the matter is, they are like crack cocaine. You start off paying a little, then pay more and more out of fear that the meager business those ads drive, will dry up. Huge Ad Spend budgets are a luxury afforded to large firms, that use their dollars in ads, as opposed to investing some time, and investing in a strategy. A solid strategy for pennies what the competition pays, will out perform thousands of dollars in ad spend… you just need the system.
Imagine your practice, and your quality of life, once you have the basics down, and clients contacting you due to seeing you “somewhere” online, and if you follow the system, you will be “somewhere” and seemingly “everywhere” prospective clients are likely to look for your service. Imagine for just a moment, that your previous experiences are no longer the case. In the new world, prospective clients reach out to you, predisposed to know like and trust you, with incredibly consistency as your rainmaker strategy plugs away, on autopilot.
Here’s what people are about the results of our BeThe20 & Training
The BeThe20 series of classes comes from over 2 decades of building online strategies for attorneys. Below you will hear from just a few of the people in the legal profession that we’ve trained or deployed these very strategies.
Gil S
Can’t Keep Up
“Hey Jeff, Can you just turn off the internet for a minute, we’re getting calls all day, and need to catch up!”
Jeremy R
Marketing Dir.
Busier Than Ever
“Between 2 Attorneys, we are handling over 110 Cases, just in Family Law, the inquiries just keep coming in.”
Deri D
Marketing Manager
I thought I would be … over my head but Jeff was easy to understand, he explained the material in a very easy way to follow, and addressed key strategies to help make my goals and plans successful. He used effective visuals, communicated clearly and encouraged me to take notes. Jeff showed me this innovative way to redirect my future successfully. I highly recommend Jeff Folkersen to anyone looking to grow and expand their business.
Module Highlights From the Fab 4!
The Fab 4 are the first 4 modules in a 20 Module course. They are the bedrock of any sound digital marketing plan for attorneys, and are totally free, just register!
Module 1: The Massive Mind Shift
A great journey begins with a change in how you expect to perceive what’s ahead. What is ahead is a vision of building your firm’s online marketing with absolute clarity. What we need to leave behind is any history of your perception of past failures. Your past disappointments are learning experiences, learning experiences preparing you for this moment when you are ready to see the path forward.
Module 2: GMB – The FREE Game Changer
When people think “marketing online” they tend to immediately got to “website”. We agree that a website is one cornerstone in a suite of online marketing assets. Did you know, however, that Google My Business can drive at least as much traffic volume, andy typically that traffic is more ready to acquire your legal services? How is it that so many law firms have such a minimal GMB, especially when you can DIY, totally free?
Module 3: Secondary Directories – Not What You Thought They Were For!
Sure, you know and AVVO, Justia, and all those other Attorney’s directories. If you are like most you feel like you get nothing from these other than the occasional phone call, usually from someone needing free advice. These are vertical secondary directories intended specifically for the legal profession. There are also about a dozen directories that are general. If you are looking at these directories asking “which one will drive more traffic to our law firm, you are probably going to be disappointed. If instead you say, these are a critical piece of our online assets and strategy, you are in for a rocking good time helping traffic find you. The value of these directories can’t be understated, but the value is often totally missunderstood. We actually have a client in BocaRaton, FL that does not have ANY website, yet still shows at the top of the Search Results.. thanks entirely to secondary directories and social media!
Module 4: Social Media Your Free Soap Box
And the ending of Module 3 brings us exactly to this point… Social Media. Once again, a free channel that can support massive amounts of traffic to your law firm. Once again if you are expecting X number of calls per social media post, you are probably going to be disappointed. It’s all about Module 1, and mindset. Social Media globally supports your online effort, driving business to your firm. They are a part of a strategy, which when deployed thoughtfully, synergistically drives incredible volumes of traffic to your site. Like GMB, Like Secondary Directories, they all work synergistically to make your firm the obvious choice, and to get your firm infront of more eyeballs than any website on its own ever will!
We’ve Got Bonuses!
Your first 4 modules come to you totally free. Just register, and you’re in! We have a total of 20 modules, to help you build a bottom up bedrock, fact based, digital marketing program. For those that show the enough motivation to START, even with just the free modules, we have some exciting FREE bonuses for you that will be available to you.
Bonus 1
Digital Framework Worksheet
Absolutely free, this worksheet will help you to develop a top down overview of goals and ways to measure success. A structured framework, encompassing social media, website, and paid advertising.
The framework doesn’t stop there! It provides a bottoms up systemic approach to deploying your digital assets to optimize your specific practice. If you get a handle on just the framework, you are well on your way to becoming one of the top 20% in your industry.
In our 20 + years as an agency to the legal market, we have yet to find a single attorney taking as in depth an approach to the strategy of driving waves of new clients to their practice,, as this simple framework does, and its yours for free!
Bonus 2
35% Discount on Future Courses
Yes, the foundation 4 Modules are totally free, with zero obligation. In Fact we would be thrilled if you wrote to us after the courses, letting us know how much they changed your approach to managing and agency working for you, or your ability to direct your marketing team.
However, you will notice that the 4 introductory modules don’t even begin to touch on “The Website”. The modules build out the rest of your digital strategy, from websites designed for performance, to advertising, and finding unique ways that your competition is not using to draw new clients into your practice.
The courses come bundled.
The Fab 4, which is totally free, prepares you and your team for the big marketing push.
DM Essentials, lead you by the hand through all of the essentials of a solid Digital Marketing Strategy, from Social Media, to Branding, to SEO for your website, and all your digital assets.
DM MasterClass Series, is the icing on the cake. The MasterClass is chock full of unique and aggresive tactics that complete your Digital Marketing Strategy.
If you take advantage of the Free Fab4, you will have the opportunity to get the additional bundles at a one time only heavily discounted price!
Bonus 3
The Best of the Best – A Strategy Session
For those that register at any level, you will get a free strategy session with the author to help focus your business. We will focus on whatever is the most pressing issues in your current strategy.
This is a NO SELL call. We are going to do a preliminary deep dive with you, see where you are now, and put real actionable strategies on your desk, specifically around you and your firm.
Jeff, the author of these courses has over 20 years experience in digital marketing, most of it focussed on attorneys.
The larger the bundle you register, the more time, or more strategy calls you will get, totally for free.
Subscribers to the FREE FAB 4, will receive a single one hour session that will start after we have received notification that the modules in that bundle have been completed. We want our FREE session with you to be as productive as possible, which is why we require that you have completed the modules before the call.
Sessions with Jeff can run as high as $500 an hour. This bonus is worth the prcie of admission all by itself.
Once again, this session will be with the author, not a salesperson, not a hired consultant, but directly from the source.
About Be The 20’s Facilitator
Jeff Folkersen
Jeff’s is one of the few whose online marketing experience predates the world wide web, and harkens back to the days of Compuserve, and Gopherspace. He has had a front row seat to watch and learn from the greats of this generation.
10 years ago, during the worst of “the Great Recession” he had taken all the information that Google, and some exceptional mentors had given him, and he created the nationwide internet property “emergency dental walkins”, certain that the protocols he had developed over a decade, would come together and create a search engine optimization win for the dental profession. It worked, and worked incredibly, at times, when searching for an emergency dentist 8 or more of the listings on the front page, were for Emergency Dental Walkins clients!
The recession waned, and demand returned for conventional dentists, and his next major project was for a Creditor’s Rights attorney, that had been blacklisted from Google Search for unknown reasons. Applying the same protocols as were exercised in EDW, created a business that consistently ranked. in the top of Search for the entire page.
With that, he had the proof that following a structured disciplined approach to gaining traction in search was a winning proposition, and attorneys from around the country contracted with his studio, StudioHOF. Today, we are pulling back the covers on the protocol. It has expanded over time for new internet initiatives, but the bedrock activity has NEVER changed. Good SEO, Good Design, and Good Social creates excellently ranking websites, in any profession, but especially attorneys.
Here’s what people are saying about Jeff Folkersen, your facilitator!
These 3 testimonials are just after you’ve introduced the teacher/ instructor, so they should focus on how great the course teacher is and why they are worth trusting. If you haven’t got great testimonials yet, then check out our article on the secret to getting raving testimonials for your online course
Andrea B
Former Law Office Marketing Dir, Presently Digital Nomad.
Pull out a few key words for a testimonial title
These 3 testimonials are just after you’ve introduced the teacher/ instructor, so they should focus on how great the course teacher is and why they are worth trusting.
Bob S.
Pull out a few key words for a testimonial title
Jeff helped us define our marketing strategy and was incredibly insightful. I highly recommend them for their skills in digital marketing
Marc L
Attorney, Collection Agency Owner
…they get it, you should get them.
Our collection agency has gone from barely findable, to being almost entirely driven from inquiries on the internet – these guys – they get it, you should get them.
Let’s Talk Value
Let’s say, that you manage to get a reasonably good Marketing Administrator, that has web development skills, that also has online advertising skills, and by some miracle, is also very strong in social media.
Let’s say you can find this person for an amazing $20/hr, approximately $40,000 a year.
Now, this person needs to ramp up, get to know your business and begin developing a marketing plan. Now they need a computer, about $1,500 just strong enough to support video, and of course, they need software, another $5,000.
Now, this person is paid, and therefore you need to consider benefits, Social Security, Vacation time, sick time, space in the office…Typically an employee will cost you at least 50% more than their actual salary, so we are up to $60,000.
What would be a reasonable estimate for how long it will take them to master and deploy an entire online marketing strategy? Maybe a year, if you are lucky?
What if that whole process could be short circuited, and what if that destination could be reached with certainty?
That’s what this course offers. The certainty of a tried and tested strategy, and a complete tutorial on how to execute all of the steps.
What would a steady stream of new prospective clients mean to your firm? Can you put a number on it?
One creditors’ rights firm that we have served for better than a decade knows. Our trid, tested, and enhanced system draws multiple 7 figures to their bottom line, every year.
Why not yours?
One Time Payment3 month instalments
regular course
One sentence summary of what they get
- Lifetime Access
- Immediate Start
- Access to All Modules
Advanced course
One sentence summary of what they get
- Lifetime Access
- Immediate Start
- Access to All Modules
- X number of bonuses
- Access to Private Facebook Group
- 30 minute private coaching call
regular course
One sentence summary of what they get
- Lifetime Access
- Immediate Start
- Access to All Modules
Advanced course
One sentence summary of what they get
- Lifetime Access
- Immediate Start
- Access to All Modules
- X number of bonuses
- Access to Private Facebook Group
- 30 minute private coaching call
Course Enrollments close on July 25th 2019
100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30-Days
Risk…They say No Risk, No Reward, but what if No Risk = Huge rewards!
Let’s make this simple, the first 4 modules, The FAB 4, come to you at no expense, no risk. Could it be much simpler? The other more advanced Module Bundles are reasonably priced, however, we will assume 100% of the risk for 30 days. If for whatever reason, you decide you don’t want a designed for you, and taught to you, can’t miss, digital marketing strategy, simply fill out an easy online form, and we will refund your purchase price.
Don’t wait! Look at what past students have to say about this course
These 3 testimonials should focus on why past customers found that your course was absolutely the right decision. Remember, your visitors are looking for reasons not to buy after they see the price, so include some testimonials here that alleviate that anxiety. If you haven’t got great testimonials yet, then check out our article on the secret to getting raving testimonials for your online course
Robert C
There’s a reason we’ve been with them for over a decade.
This group really knows Marketing and is so easy to work with!
Well informed!
Katie L
…taught me so much regarding this area of today’s marketing…
Jeff has helped me grow my business in so many ways now that I can’t count. From the awesome website that I’ve received so many complements on to assisting me with social media growth. He’s taught me so much regarding this area of today’s marketing. I am a very small business and finances are always top priority. I feel Jeff takes this into consideration and gives me the biggest bang for my buck.
Cindy PB
Legal Recruiting Agency
Been with us since our inception all the way through our retirement!
Jeff, and the team at HOF, Inc. has supported us with uncanny insight into digital marketing since before we opened PBA. His tutelage continued right up to the day we finally were able to retire to the life we had dreamt of, more than 15 years later.
Never once would I have considered turning to a different coach, or questioning their authority in the world of online marketing.
PBA would seriously not have come to fruition were it not for their coaching, training, production skills, and the occasions “tough talk” when we needed it. We certainly would never have seen our own agency grow to over 7 figures, consistently, year over year, without their coaching.
Frequently Asked Questions
One Time Payment3 month instalments
regular course
One sentence summary of what they get
- Lifetime Access
- Immediate Start
- Access to All Modules
Advanced course
One sentence summary of what they get
- Lifetime Access
- Immediate Start
- Access to All Modules
- X number of bonuses
- Access to Private Facebook Group
- 30 minute private coaching call
regular course
One sentence summary of what they get
- Lifetime Access
- Immediate Start
- Access to All Modules
Advanced course
One sentence summary of what they get
- Lifetime Access
- Immediate Start
- Access to All Modules
- X number of bonuses
- Access to Private Facebook Group
- 30 minute private coaching call
Your personal note
This is your final chance to offer a personalised encouragement to your visitor. Warmly explain that this course is something you are proud of and that you hope to they’ll sign up so you can help them overcome their problems and get that amazing result!
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